The Climate Decade Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement

Experts see the next ten years as crucial for companies to make significant progress in both climate protection and climate change adaptation in order to remain prosperous. A majority of experts say companies need to become climate neutral by 2030 or sooner. Only two percent of the experts surveyed believe there will be no negative financial consequences for companies that do not respond to climate change. «We`re done being in the middle of the herd on this issue — we decided to use our size and scale to make a difference,» says Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon. «If a company with as much physical infrastructure as Amazon, which delivers more than 10 billion items a year, can meet the Paris Agreement 10 years ago, then any company can. The path to net-zero carbon by 2040 may be ambitious, but it will lead to things we all respect and value – cleaner air, good jobs in green industries, healthier people and abundant nature. Climate Engagement brings together a community of leading companies that are not only taking the transformative steps needed to avert economic and climate catastrophe, but are also building our shared future. This survey reminds us that while current measures represent progress, they are not sufficient to avoid major damage caused by climate change. There is still a lot of work to be done, and we need all companies, not just today`s leaders, to take immediate and swift action towards a low-carbon future. Every two years since the launch of the Paris Climate Agreement in 2015, we have asked global experts to assess progress in reducing global greenhouse gas emissions. Since the publication of our second report in 2017, the urgency has increased. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has stated that we only have ten years to halve emissions to avoid the dangerous effects of climate change and that the dangerous warming threshold of 1.5°C is lower than previously forecast.

Experts see significant risks for companies that don`t act. These include deteriorating reputation of key stakeholders such as investors and clients, physical and financial vulnerability to climate impacts, lack of access to capital/divestment, and reduced competitiveness compared to competitors. What are the most effective instruments and strategies for companies that want to act in a climate-friendly and adaptable way? Joining the Climate Pledge is an opportunity for companies to be part of a community of leading companies engaged in transformative action to protect the global economy from the disruptive risks associated with climate change. Scientists talk about tipping points in relation to climate change. Extreme temperatures are quickly becoming the norm. Antarctic ice sheets are melting faster and the ocean is warming faster than expected. The effects of climate change are frightening, disturbing – and very motivating. The actions we take between 2020 and 2030 are crucial to avoid further turning points, and it is the decade that will decide whether we can achieve net-zero emissions globally. We are entering the Climate Decade, a ten-year period during which our collective action will determine the kind of world our children and grandchildren will inherit.

The Climate Pledge, a joint initiative of Amazon and Global Optimism, was founded on the belief that global companies are responsible, responsible and able to respond to the climate crisis, and that this would change societies and our views on what is possible. In this context, we once again asked experienced sustainability experts from business, government, NGOs, science and the media to share their views on the current state of climate protection, including the most effective solutions and tools to accelerate and extend impact. We received more than 554 responses from experts from 66 countries. Taken together, the three principles provide a transformative direction for signatories to decarbonize their businesses to the extent necessary to achieve zero carbon 10 years earlier. In this context, we have once again partnered with our partners at GlobeScan to ask global sustainability experts to assess progress on climate change, corporate climate leadership, and tools and solutions that will help accelerate emissions reduction and climate resilience. In our latest report, The Climate Decade: Ten Years to Deliver the Paris Agreement, we analyze the views of more than 550 global sustainability experts from business, government, NGOs and academia in 47 countries on a number of issues, including: In this context, we have once again partnered with our Partners at GlobeScan to ask global sustainability experts. de: Assess progress on climate change, business leadership on climate action, and tools and solutions that will help accelerate emissions reduction and resilience. «Achieving these goals is really something that can be achieved in collaboration with other big companies because we`re all part of each other`s supply chains,» Bezos says. «So we need to work together, and we want to use our size and leeway to lead the way. We know it will be a challenge. But we know we can do it – and we have to. This webinar covered the results of the survey and included a lively discussion between Mark Lee, Executive Director of SustainAbility, Eric Whan, Director at GlobeScan, Charles Allison, Partner, Energy & Climate Change Services at Environmental Resources Management (ERM), Katie Sullivan, Managing Director at IETA and Carmel McQuaid, Head of Sustainable Business at Marks and Spencer.

While these investments are undoubtedly significant, they represent only a fraction of what is needed to achieve net zero CARBON by 2040. But they make a point that is absolutely critical to the success of The Climate Pledge: if global companies don`t join forces, it won`t work. Please enable JavaScript to experience Vimeo in all its glory. The historic Paris Agreement presented a unanimous response to keep a global temperature rise below 1.5°C. To have a high chance of staying below 1.5°C, global carbon emissions must reach net zero carbon demand by 2050, and the sooner we get there, the greater the opportunities will be. Climate science also tells us that to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, we need to halve global emissions between 2020 and 2030. What are the biggest risks for companies that don`t act? Which global actors play the most important role in achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement? .